Death or Ice Cream? Book Review

Death or Ice Cream? by Gareth P. Jones, published by Hot Key Books

This is a fun middle grade book. I think the title alone can draw people in.

It tells the tale of events in a town called Larkin Mills. Almost every chapter follows a different inhabitant of the town, at times the timeline moves around, but all of the stories weave themselves into each other. Most chapters follow the young people of the town. There is something different about Larkin Mills and the people who live in it.

I enjoyed the dark humour of this book, and it reminded me in part of Good Omens. 

Being a middle grade book I found it easy to pick up and read. I'm sure I would have loved this when I was in my pre to early teens. That being said, I think most people will find this an enjoyable read.

I felt like I got to know some of the characters quite well due to how the individual stories crossed over one another. The over lapping of stories also helped fill in gaps and answer questions raised whilst reading.

I liked how the author varied the writing between 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. I felt it worked well and added to the oddness of the town. 

This was a book which was picked out for me in a mystery bundle from the local library, and I'm glad they did. Otherwise I wouldn't have come across it, and I do like a bit of dark humour, so it was very welcome.
I would recommend this for those with a great imagination and a wicked sense of humour.

What is your favourite flavour of Ice Cream? I think mine would have to be a classic chocolate or raspberry ripple.
