Welcome to the Little Cottage of Books

Hi, my name is Fiona and as you may have guessed by now, I love books.

My love began at an early age, I remember searching for the Beatrice Potter stories I hadn't yet read in my local library. As well as trying to get hold of all the Mr. Men books I could. I didn't have a bedside table as a little kid, I had a bookcase.

Starting school I was encouraged to read even more, the teachers knew I had issues with reading, but at the time weren't able to pin point what. But I was just happy to read anything and everything.

When I started high school I was diagnosed as dyslexic. It made total sense, it ran in my family and now I knew why no matter how much I read my reading age was still a bit behind my peers. Of course this didn't put me off, and being a determined little thing it actually pushed me into taking all English based a-levels. It just meant I had to work much harder than most other people in my classes. With English Literature I found something I really enjoyed doing, which was analysing texts. Digging really deep into why the author wrote what they wrote and so on. I wanted to pursue this further and this led me to gaining an English degree.

Now I've been away from education for many years I still love a good book. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both non-fiction such as history books and fiction such as classics, horror, historical fiction and magical realism. This blog will be my way of sharing what I love to do with the world, and meeting new people along the way. I hope you can join me in the Little Cottage of Books.

You can also find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/littlecottageofbooks/
