The Corset Book Review

The Corset by Laura Purcell published by Raven Books

I thought this book was amazing.

It revolves around the stories of two women in Victorian England. Dorothea is twenty five, her mother died when she was young and her father is eager to marry her off. However she is fascinated by the science of reading skulls in determine personality, and her voluntary work at a prison. This is where she meets Ruth, a sixteen year old who is awaiting trial for the murder of her mistress, for which she has confessed. As Ruth tells her story, parallels become apparent between the two women. But Ruth's stories seem somewhat fanciful to Dorothea, can she really kill people with the power of her sewing?

This book raises many social issues of the time. I felt particularly the role of a woman and education, or lack of, were covered well. The plight of the poor in Victorian England was brought to life, and I got the sense of real desperation from the characters who had no idea where their next meal would come from, or even if they had shelter for the night.

I liked how Dorothea's and Ruth's narratives weaved together, and had clear, distinct, different voices.

The little touch of naming a canary Wilkie was great, as I'm sure many Wilkie Collins' fans will enjoy this book.

Over all a great piece of historical, mystery/thriller fiction. I can't wait to read the other works by Laura Purcell.

