The Lottery and Other Stories Book Review


The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson published by Penguin

Possibly the most famous work by Shirley Jackson, apart from The Haunting of Hill House, which is known for its several adaptations. The Lottery and Other Stories is a delightful collection of short stories.

In her usual way, Shirley Jackson has created a collection of stories involving very human characters in often mundane situations and added nice little twists and thought provoking elements of omnipresent wisdom. I heard Shirley Jackson's voice throughout the book.

I loved how James Harris is a recurring presence through many of the stories. My favourites of the collection would probably be The Tooth and The Lottery itself. I liked how The Tooth was disorienting, and the way the story moved along between the main protagonist moments of sleep. The Lottery was very clever in its' undertone of menace. You get the feeling something sinister is going to happen, but you don't know what until the end.

I've been very lucky to have been bought several Shirley Jackson books by my husband for my recent birthday, and I'm looking forward to spending time over the next few months delving into her world.
