Into the Crooked Place Book Review


Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo published by Hot Key Books

I picked up this book because I read To Kill a Kingdom by the same author last year and loved it. I really didn't know what to expect from it, as I knew no details about it before I started reading it.

Somehow I wasn't expecting a fantasy book, which this fits very firmly in to the genre of, and I honestly may have been put off reading it if I'd known, as it's a genre I don't really read much of.

To me it had all the elements that a fantasy book should have, there is magic, challenges, bands of characters coming together to fight a bigger force, and in my limited knowledge of the genre, great world building. It also featured budding romances, in a long time friend turned possible love interest kind of way.

The story itself features a group of characters who, although very different from each other, share a common enemy. The chapters focus mainly on one character at a time, abit like To Kill a Kingdom, but in 3rd person, not 1st. The pace is quite fast, and there are enough twists and revelations to keep the story fresh.

This book is the first of a duology, and for a while whilst reading it, I wasn't sure I would be picking up the 2nd book, just because I'm not a massive fantasy reader as stated before. But the cliff hangers were intriguing enough to encourage me to keep an eye out for it's follow up.

I think fans of fantasy, especially ones who like plucky heroes, will enjoy this book. And of course some none fantasy fans too.

Do you like fantasy? What is your favourite fantasy book? Comment below.

Happy reading

