Creepy Short Story Collection Recommendations

I am of the opinion that short stories can be just as powerful and intricate as their longer length cousins, if not more so. I think creepy, spooky, gothic tales highlight this greatly, and the ideas in them can stay with the reader far longer than it takes for them to read the story. 

Here are four collections of short stories which I think are well worth reading;

Gothic Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell is a collection of nine short stories, all with a delightful atmospheric dark touch to them. Very different from what we would expect from this author, who is better known for the novels North and South, Wives and Daughters and her biography The Life of Charlotte Bronte, this book collects together the short stories that she wrote over several years. My favourite tale from this is The Old Nurse's Story, it is so utterly creepy and perfect to read on a dark night.

The Old Nurse's Story is also one of the many tales in Gothic Short Stories edited by David Blair. This is a marvellous collection of stories, apart from the afore mentioned tale by Elizabeth Gaskill it also includes what for me is one of the best short stories I have ever read, and one which is very popular, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. If you have never read this classic tale you are in for a treat. Other authors included in this collection include Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe and E. F. Benson. 

Ghost Stories is a collection of short stories by E. F. Benson, Selected and Introduced by Mark Gatiss. For me a stand out tale from this is 'And No Bird Sings' it is so atmospheric, this and eight other tales make up this little volume. Another favourite of mine from this is The Bus Conductor, a little delight for the ghost story fan in me. As it is such a short collection, I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't yet read any E. F Benson, but if you like short ghost stories this is a must.

Finally Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories selected by Rex Collings includes 22 short stories and an appendix of true ghost stories. Like the Gothic Short Stories collection, it includes creepy tales from many well known authors. Including William Makepeace Thackeray, one of my favourites Wilkie Collins, and Robert Louis Stevenson. My favourite story from this collection is The Haunted Doll's House, which is clever by turning something so innocent into something sinister. The Phantom Coach also stood out for me. 

There are, of course, many, many other creepy short story collections, these are just a few that I have come across over time and kept my little Halloween loving heart happy.

What are your creepy short story recommendations? Do you enjoy being scared, or would you rather hide under the duvet?

Happy reading

