The Cold is in her Bones Book Review


The Cold is in her Bones by Peternelle van Arsdale published by Simon & Schuster

This is a YA fiction, about a young girl named Milla, who has lived a life of isolation, not even being allowed to visit the nearest village with her father and brother. However when her brothers' intended bride, Iris arrives, things appear more hopeful for Milla. 

Soon, though, Milla learns about the curse on the village, and how young girls can be taken over by a demon and once that happens they are taken away for ever. Iris is one such girl. What will Milla do next? Will she go back to a life of loneliness and the strict rules of her mother, or will she fight for her freedom? Does Milla have secrets of her own?

I really enjoyed this book, it really tapped into my imagination, though at times I found some of Milla's actions hard to believe for a girl who hasn't been beyond the bounds of her family's home in her life before. 

The sister like bond between Milla and Iris was very touching. There was a very clear growth in Milla's character, I felt she was changed by what she experienced. 

I loved the snakes in this book, there were definite Medusa vibes, which I don't think is ever a bad thing.

It was quick to read, and the plot flowed really well.

Over all an enjoyable read.

Have you read The Cold is in her Bones, what did you think? What books are you enjoying this month? please comment below,

Happy reading

